Roundworms in dogs cause /treatment

What are Roundworms in Dogs?
Roundworms are a type of parasite that can commonly affect dogs and cats. There are two main species of roundworms, they are:
Toxocara Canis – this type can move around the body once they become mature
Toxascaris Leonin – this type stays in the intestinal tract
Both of these types of roundworms do absorb the nutrients from your dog’s intestines. Roundworms look like long strands of spaghetti. These parasites commonly attach to the lining of your dog intestines, where they will suck blood from your dog to get their nutrients.  This can lead to anemia and diarrhea in your dog. 

What are the Symptoms of Roundworms in Dogs?
There are many different signs and symptoms that you may see in a dog with roundworm infestation. These are some common symptoms:
Nutritional Deficiencies
Swelling in Abdomen: This swelling is due to the large amounts of parasites in their intestines. This is very commonly seen in puppies.
If you notice any of these signs in your dog, it is best for your dog to see your Vet. They can check your dog’s stool to see if they have roundworms or any other parasites that may be causing them to have issues.

What are the Causes of Roundworm in Dogs?
Your dog can get roundworms in many different ways. These are some of the most common ways that your dog would get roundworm infestations.
Eating Soil: If your dog is eating the dirt, they can get roundworms. Roundworm eggs are passed out in a dog’s stool and can survive for months in the soil. If your dog is eating grass or soil, they can quickly and easily infect themselves.
Walking on contaminated soil: Your dog can even get roundworms from walking on infected soil. These worms can penetrate your dog’s skin on their feet and enter their body.
Eating other animals: If your dog is known for eating prey animals, they can catch roundworms if this animal is also infected with roundworms.
In puppies, this is a very common parasite for puppies to have. They can get it from their mother when unborn or through their milk.
By keeping your dog’s area clean and preventing them from eating things that they should not eat, you can keep them from getting roundworms.

How to Prevent Roundworm in dogs
You can easily prevent roundworms in your dog by providing your dog with regular deworming.  Also, make sure that your yard is clean of dog poop.  If your dog does have roundworms, it is best to clean this up for a few days after giving them a dewormer to prevent your dog from reinfection.

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